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#SocEnt #Accelerator  #YouthEntrepreneurship

Ye! Boostcamp Turkey

Business Model Validation Lab for idea stage impact entrepreneurs

#SocEnt #Accelerator

Countries: Turkey




The Ye! Boostcamp is an intensive 2.5 day program designed to assist impact driven early stage entrepreneurs in developing their business idea into successful businesses through hands-on training and mentoring. In total, 10 teams participated the program.



The goal of this program was to support and mobilize impact driven early stage entrepreneurs through educating them on the principles of starting a social enterprise, develop their enterprising ideas and create the atmosphere for them to collaborate with like-minded people on changemaking ideas in the mean time to raise awareness about impact entrepreneurship.  



6  workshops, lasting 2 and half days which included Brief Introduction to Social Business, Team Building Activities, Lean canvas, Strategic Analysis, Financial Analysis, and How to pitch your idea/ Storytelling, giving the early stage entrepreneurs the basic skill sets and information they need in order to survive in social entrepreneurship environment.



with little icons?

x participants

x mentors

x days

x hours

>> Want to know more or host your own program with us? Contact [email protected]

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