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Countries: Turkey
The aim of the program was to help aspiring Syrian entrepreneurs develop their ideas and come up with more concrete solutions to problems they have detected, and turn them into sustainable businesses. Each training consisted of different teaching materials to cover with guest speakers and mentors.
To provide Syrians living in Turkey with a step-by-step methodology to systematically establish their enterprise and gain entrepreneurship skills, provide them the necessary tools to ensure that they can sustain their company, inform them about the legal rules and regulations and how to market their product.
The program consisted of 1 Info Session, 3 Meetup Sessions , 2 Ideathons, 1 Bootcamp and a pitching night. The Ideathons were 1 day long intense workshops with creative idea generation exercises and the milestone for becoming an entrepreneur. The modules included activities that adapted Liberating Structures methodology. After the ideathons, selected group of entrepreneurs proceeded to an intensive training (Bootcamp). The aim of the training was to help the participating immigrants to envision the future of their ideas, identify the foundational assumptions that underpin their ideas, design and run experiments to validate or invalidate those foundational assumptions through customer discovery, understand the basics of communication skills, understand the fundamentals of creating a financial and strategic plan, engage with world-class mentors and understand the effective methods to tell their story to potential partners and investors. The whole training’s format was structured such that the “trainers” positioned themselves as facilitators, not lecturers. This way, Impact Hub team along with the program organizers and mentors, could walk on the same entrepreneurial journey with the entrepreneurs instead of being lecturers who provide specific technical skills for a short period of time.
The intensive training ensured that the participants acquired the necessary skill sets in order to turn their enterprises into sustainable and profitable businesses. The hard and soft skills were provided to them by using tools like design thinking steps, theory of change, lean canvas etc. and with continuous mentoring support. After the trainings, the participants learned how to change an idea into a product. The program also helped the Syrian entrepreneurs to get to know each other and experienced mentors from related sectors and helped the formation of a new ecosystem of Syrian peers.
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